
A More Perfect Union

Jesse L. Jackson, Jr.
ISBN 9781566491860 (hardcover)
Published in October 2001
MSRP $24.95
Race – from the beginning and more than any other element – has shaped America's institutions, its economics, politics, laws, social structures and political attitudes. Most Americans, however, have little understanding of the breadth and depth of the issue, or how politicians subtly manipulate them with it – usually against their own best economic interests. Congressman Jackson considers race to be the focal point of American history, but speaks to America through the language of the economy because “the economy is the hearing aid through which Americans hear all political dialogue.”
In this new work, Jackson provides ample documentation and insightful analysis of the inextricable link between race and economics. More important, Jackson proposes a radical economic strategy and program of new human rights that would build “A More Perfect Union” for all Americans, make every American more economically secure and, hopefully, in a better position to come to grips with this enduring American legacy.

REP. JESSE L. JACKSON, JR. began service in the U.S. House of Representatives on December 12, 1995, the 91st African American ever elected to Congress. He currently sits on the House Appropriations committee, serving on the Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education as well as the Subcommittee on Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs. In 1996, he co-authored with his father, the Reverend Jesse Jackson, a critically acclaimed book against the death penalty entitled Legal Lynching (Marlowe & Co.), and in 1999 they co-authored a highly successful book on personal and family finance entitled It's about the Money (Times Books). Rep. Jackson resides in the Second Congressional District of Illinois with his wife, Sandi.

FRANK E. WATKINS worked for 27 years with Rev. Jesse Jackson, serving as his Press Secretary and Political Director on projects including SCLC's Operation Breadbasket and the National Rainbow Coalition. He was the National Press Secretary and speechwriter for Rev. Jackson's 1984 presidential campaign as well as the National Political Director of his 1988 campaign. In addition, Watkins assisted in the writing of Legal Lynching. He served as the campaign manager of Jesse Jackson, Jr.'s run for Congress in 1995 and has been working for the Congressman as his Press Secretary and Director of Communications since March 1996.